We offer a “cradle to grave” claims administration program to coverholders and Underwriters for either specific tasks or progressive and complete handling through file closure to include initial claims intake, instruction of previously vetted adjusters, claim file management, litigation management, subrogation/salvage London reporting protocol and format, reserve monitoring, bordereaux maintenance, loss runs, check issuance, and banking.
We administer the following claim types on a nationwide basis:
Personal and Commercial Auto, Trucking, General Liability, Artisan Liability, Garage Keepers Legal Liability, Products Liability, Professional Liability, Premises Liability, Construction Defects, and Dealers Open Lot
Homeowners, Rental Property, Apartment Housing, Condominiums, Commercial and Retail Property, Cargo, Heavy Equipment, Tractor/Trailers, Commercial Autos, and Private Passenger Vehicles, Occupational Accident